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Response to Covid-19




153 Centenary Road South Wentworthville 


Dear all, 

    In light of announcements made today regarding the shut down on non-essential services reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, this is to clarify that Foot and Posture Clinic and Sydney Health and Sport Clinic is still considered essential services.

High precautions are being implemented with infection control measures taking priority. All of our staff have been required to further update their education undertaking specific Australian Health Department COVID-19 infection control. 

More safety changes 

  • To reduce touch of service, no more signatures will be taken on health fund claims unless you bring your own pen.

  • We have increased the cleaning of all remaining possible touch points.

  • Further increased the frequency of hand cleaning of admin team members.

  • If you are a new patient please also bring your own pen to complete consent forms.  An email option will also be provided to be completed prior to arrival.

  • Thermal screening of each individual that enters the premises.

  • We have modified seating in our reception area to adhere to the social distancing rules. You may be asked to wait in our outdoor seating area or in your car if the reception area has reached its limits.

  • On arrival we ask all patients to clean their hands.

  • Mandatory QR sign on arrival.

  • Mandatory use of Masks while in the clinic. 

  • Our team call ALL patients ahead to discuss their current health status and will ask them to reschedule if they are not feeling well 

  • We will continue to clean all clinical touch points in treatment rooms between patients chairs and clinical benches.


We are asking practitioners and team members to only attend work if they are feeling well and not presenting with any symptoms or have been around any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19.


Simple steps you can do within the clinic and everyday practice:

  • Washing your hands often with soap and water.

  • Using a tissue and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and then bin the tissue. The inside elbow is also acceptable.

  • Avoid close contact with others such as touching like handshakes.

  • Avoid being out when possible.

  • Avoid touching your face. 

  • Avoid touching common public areas with your hands like door handles and petrol pumps. 


We endeavour to maintain a clean and safe environment at the clinic for all. You can help by keeping the following points in mind:


  • If you have been in contact with someone with same symptoms.

  • If you have been in contact with individuals that have come from China, Korea, Italy, or Iran in the last 14 days.

  • If you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms including dry cough, fever, muscle aches or sniffles, we encourage that you stay home or seek medical advice. Please call if you are ensure about attending your appointment.


For cancellations due to the above, please call 96893377 and we will make appropriate arrangements. No cancellation fee will be charged. 

We continue to closely monitor current developments around the pandemic and what the government implements. In turn, we will update all patients with appointments at the start of each coming week (via email if we have one registered with us) with regard to any changes to clinic schedule, any further precautionary measures, and any alterations that may affect appointments.

Lastly, we are open for appointments as usual and we will continue to update you.

A big thank you from all of us at the clinic for your support and cooperation.


Warmest of regards,

Steven Saab and Ralph Saab 

Director of Foot and Posture and Sydney Health and Sport Clinic and the team. 

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